To view videos

Select a video to view by clicking on a video Icon.
A window may appear that will ask you:

Select "Run this program from its current location."
This choice will allow the video to play directly from the CD.

Select "OK"

Wait a few moments for the video to load.

Note: The sample download screen is from Microsoft Internet Explorer. Netscape Navigator 4.0 reads from the CD.

VIDEO NOT WORKING The videos are MPEG 1 format and have been tested with several viewers. The videos work with Media Player, the viewer provided with Microsoft Windows 95. If the Videos do not work, check if Media Player is installed on your system. If not, you can install Media Player from the Windows 95 CD or you can install one of the many other MPEG viewers available on the Internet. OMEGA will not support or suggest any viewer for you to use on your system. You are responsible for choosing the viewer which best suite your needs.